
Fandecie Launches Art Concept Store

After launched a lingerie Pop-Up store in Chengdu China earlier, Fandecie, Embryform Group’s young lingerie label, now launches its art concept store with its fashion trip of “Fandecie Come & Play Magic Vanguard Party” gorgeously opening in Guangzhou.

In addition to the perfect presentation of the Pop-Up Store Fandecie art concept store, Fandecie brand also joints with the fashion shopping festivals of Guangzhou department stores, inviting Taiwan popular 90s young model Kun Ling to create a magic vanguard party. Here, the fashion trend rapidly strikes!

Pop-Up Store Fandecie art concept store, is a totally new sales model. It breaks the permanence of the flagship store and creates the feeling of fresh through unfixed locations. Besides, it also coincides with the popular attitude to ignore every conventional imagination, and gives birth to great sales result of chemical effects.

Fandecie’s Pop-Up Store, with the theme of "Come & Play", and with the combinations of sight, hearing and touch, aims to give customers new and unexpected underwear shopping experience.

In the party, Fandecie, the brand which always keeps in touch with fashion trend, showcases its classic works in a relaxed and vibrant atmosphere with the current popular form of Pop-Up Store, and vividly presents its SEXY& Chic fashion style.

